"Dr. Foont. You live alone. You've never been married. You have no kids. No pets even. Is there anything outside of your work that engages you?" "Well, no, I do not exist outside of what you call, my work. But I have no work you see. What you call, my work, is simply the path that's been placed in front of me. All manners of things set it up this way. There was never a choice. I don't believe in choices."

"What you're saying, Doctor, is we have no choice!" "No, I'm saying we have less choice than we think, and it would behoove us not to go about our lives trying like hell to ignore these enormous forces which drive us. We've gotten so much wrong. The path to consciousness is not pretty. Awareness is a truly ugly endeavor." Dr. Foont, 1958

"Oh, yes, that's what I would chose to study now, behavior. One hairline fracture in an otherwise flawless design can produce a global catastrophe. What's the difference between Hitler and Gandhi? I believe we are more victims of chance than anything. For example, as we've seen time and time again, many of the world's most prosperous men are but a mere glance away from being derailed by a woman."

"We now know an ear of corn has more DNA than the human. But really, the most astonishing discoveries in the field have to do with the similarities. the unification of us all. If you compare the embryos of any mammal alongside the human, well, it's quite breathtaking really..." -Dr. Seamus Foont
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