Tuesday, December 11, 2012


"It's like I just want to let all this shit just spill out of me (holding his belly, shaking it) like FLUMPTHHHH and let it all just fall out onto the floor all steaming and shit. It's all gonna happen, like all this stuff, it's all gonna turn to gush and it's just gonna start falling and it's gonna hang down and it's just gonna keep falling and it's all just gonna be hanging there, all this stuff, it's gonna just be hanging there and your skin's gonna pull away from your bones and your bones are gonna protrude and everything's just gonna drop and all this stuff is gonna start oozin' out of you and then your asshole (Haha), your asshole is gonna start slippin' away (hand gesturing with one hand making an okay sign representing an asshole to help show me how he thinks it will look when a person's asshole pulls away)..."

"(Haha) I know! And all that shit's gonna turn to goo and then it's gonna harden and shit. It's all gonna be this hardened goo!"

"Oooh, hardened goo (Haha)!"

"It's like you just want to get it over with, right?"

"Yeah (haha)!

"Dude, I totally understand that. Like fuck it, it's gonna happen anyway."

 "Exactly! Hey, you want anymore of this?"


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