Monday, November 19, 2012

SKEET 11/18/12

‎"Well, that's the genius of modern life, it's no longer possible to exist within its parameters of function and still be able to do your job as an artist. The machine is too advanced. I mean, sure, ya know, you can pull off a career in the arts, that's never been easier, but to be a true artist, shit, you'd've had better luck as a baby Jew left on Hitler's doorstep. And lucky you, huh? I mean, come on, there's no artist more naked and vulnerable than the writer. I mean, what do you wanna do anyway, tell stories? What's another story gonna do? Stories are dead. You want a story, go to the fuckin' movies or read a goddamn comic book or something. Hey, I got a story for ya- there is no fucking story. And THAT, my friend, is what's needed. We've studied the specimen, we've investigated its behavior, but you know as well as I do it's time for something else. So unless you're playing for keeps, unless you've committed yourself to that noose, don't even fuckin' bother because it's never gonna happen. It's like trying to strike a match in the rain." -Skeet Giddens, 11/18/12

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