Wednesday, May 29, 2013


"Maybe we don't really need art anymore? Or at least not the way we think of it. I mean, you can Youtube anything now. I don't know, it's like there's nothing mysterious to unlock anymore. Anyone can see anything they want."

"Exactly, but it's more than that. It's not just what you're able to see. To me, it's more that you can juxtapose it so easily. It used to be that you would have to really go somewhere to gain access to something. You had to put some real effort into it. There was a price. Now I can watch a beheading while I'm standing in line at Rite Aid, or I like to flip back and forth from Porn to car crashes and autopsies and shit... Hey, did you see that Chinese baby they cut out of that sewage pipe?"

"Oh God, dude, that was fucking horrible! I mean, that's like the saddest thing I've ever seen in my life."

"I know, man, I can't handle anything with children. I mean, if there's a God, fuck him!... Hey, so are you still seeing that chick with the ass?"

"Not as much. You know, I'm just trying to be careful. I can't afford any problems right now. We still haven't even filed for divorce yet. Plus, she lives way out in Brooklyn. But yeah, man, that ass is no fuckin' joke."


"(haha) Why does it make you angry?"

"I don't know (haha), it just does."

"That's funny, man. It's like my brother. Whenever he saw a good looking chick, he'd get all pissed off and make this face."

"Yeah, it's like fuck you, I was doin' just fine until I saw that shit!"

 "(haha) You know, it's funny how you can look back and see all the signs. I'm not talking Seinfeld shit, I mean, anyone's gonna get on your nerves..."

"Dude, have you ever heard Sally laugh?"

"Yeah (haha)."

"Like, I mean, I seriously had to consider that."

"Sally's fucking awesome."

"Yeah, I know."

"But, you know, when Kim and I first got together, every couple of days it was like all of sudden this heavy, heavy energy would swoop down on us. It was like this serious dark shit. It was like the walls would start breathing. And we would turn into these total fucking strangers to each other. It would always happen in the morning at one of our apartments. We wouldn't know what to do. We'd just stare at each other. 'Do you feel that?' I'd ask her, and she'd say, 'Yeah, what do we do?' And so what do you do, ya know? We'd go have sex. 'Let's fuck it away,' we'd say."

"Huh, yeah."

"Anyway, you know, back to art, I get ya. Even when I see something good anymore, I just think, yeah, that's pretty good, but so what, lot's of things are good. It's just another asshole making art. I mean, who gives a fuck anymore? Everyone's great at everything. Everyone knows everything."

"I know. But then someone like Bruce Nauman. Have you seen the new shit at Dia?"

"Oh, fuck, man, he's amazing! He's probably my favorite living artist. But then even that..."

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