Saturday, February 4, 2012

Skeet Giddens Interview (date unknown)

‎"Well, you know, you can't expect to not feel alone. I mean that's the prime indicator really. You gotta get over that shit. If you don't feel completely lost, I mean totally hopeless and alone then you haven't gotten yourself worked up in the right way, you haven't gotten yourself anywhere useful or interesting. It's hard because, well, you know, you're still a human, you're still wired in the same biology. But you gotta trust in it and you gotta believe that this is EXACTLY where you need to be, where you HAVE to be. And you know, the most important clues are sort of more in line with the lack... you know, like the lack of understanding, the lack of reaction, the lack of sympathy. I mean people, man, my God, people are fucking animals, they're vicious! One false move and... you're toast, man, you're fucking dead to them. All of a sudden, you're the enemy. You know, you have to be what they think you are, what you've always been to them. So it helps to surrender. You know, just disappear, blend in, and live off the drippings like everyone else. Only, of course, you're not like everyone one else. This way you're incognito more or less. It's easier to maintain this way, you're protected. So just, you know, be very careful who you talk to and what you talk about. And look, just get some stupid job and work hard at it, try to blend in. Buy a house, a car, eat Pop.tarts, barbecue. And then somehow if you're able to survive long enough to do the trick, ya know, if the stars line up for you, well, then there you are, there you have it." - Skeet Giddens 12/18/2011.

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