DEAR PHILLY: Why are men such assholes? FED UP.
DEAR FED UP: Well, we all know what an asshole is but if we really want to get anywhere here we'd first have to break down what exactly you are referring to when you use the word, "men". But since this is our first session, let's just start with this: there are as many different types of men as there are names to the goddamn engines and whatnots of my son's ever growing Thomas The Train collection. I'll give you this- people ARE mostly the same in that they seldom venture out of their comfort zones. This is true in all walks of life. It's base animal behavior and it is necessary to maintain order. But, some of us need to realize that we are but victims in this work of nature. So if in every direction you turn, you keep finding yourself facing the same harsh walls, perhaps it is time to simply walk over to that door, open it, step out, and slam that fucker behind you? It really is THAT easy. But as the great Bukowski once said about writing, "It's so easy, almost no one can do it." But then we seem to always make it all so damn complicated don't we? I just watched the Bill Clinton special on American Experience. I just love how he used the line, "Well, that depends on what your definition of the word 'is' is." haha. And it fucking WORKED! Haha! That just kills me! So my advice- open that door, any door! And keep opening them until you find something worth finding. No matter what, as long as you're aiming for truth, in the end, you will have the only thing worth having, and that is your self. NEXT!!!!
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